
Re/Collecting Project Archive


The Re/Collecting Project (Re/Co for short) is an 'ethnic studies memory project of California's Central Coast.' The project's aim is to digitally capture and make publicly accessible the rich history of the diverse - yet under-documented - communities of the region, which includes San Luis Obispo and northern Santa Barbara counties. To collect the materials that make up these histories, the project would organize 'Re/Collecting Days', and make house calls, where the project team would invite families and individuals to recollect their stories as well as to participate in collecting their story materials (images, documents, mementos) for digital preservation and access. The digital collection available on this site is only a selection of the Re/Collecting Project Archive. Learn more about the archive at: https://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/c8qc09ph/


Displaying results 11 - 16 of 16
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Local Identifier
Date Created
1961 (year uncertain)

Unsigned copy of Right of Way contract, perhaps a draft, between State of California and San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church. Includes a map of the church property being sold to the state to expand Highway 101.

5 items in Collection
Local Identifier
Date Created

Statement of the Evacuation Claims Compromise Settlement for the San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church from the United States Department of Justice, Civil Division. As stated in the award: "Pursuant to the Act of July 2, 1948 (62 Stat. 1231), as amended by Public Law 673, 84th Cong., the above-named claimant is hereby awarded the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Seventy Dollars and No Cents ($1,270.00), in compromise settlement of the above-numbered claim. GEORGE COCHRAN DOUB, Assistant Attorney General, Civil Division. By: John T. Allen, Attorney in Charge, Los Angeles Office, Japanese Claims Section." Letter is cc'ed to Saburo Kido, Esq., 305 E. 2d Street, Los Angeles 12, Cal.

2 items in Collection
Local Identifier
Date Created

The 1960 financial report for the San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church, which includes income, expenditures, and beginning and ending year balances. It also includes the contributors and their contributions to the fund to acquire an organ for the Church.

2 items in Collection
Local Identifier
Date Created
2 items in Collection
Local Identifier
Date Created

The financial report for the 1962 Obon Festival, which includes proceeds, expenses, and list of donors and their contributions (both cash and in-kind).

2 items in Collection