KCPR Archives, 1979-1980

    Item Description
    Local Identifier
    Collection Number
    Linked Agent
    Originator (org): Zach Vowell
    Date Created
    1980 (year uncertain)

    [00:00:00] Various Russ James between-the-music spots from one morning, yacht club,, weather, kidney transplants, emergency services [00:05:00] News Spot about Terri Harden, Star Wars fan, camping out for the Empire Strikes Back premiere [00:06:23] Assorted Russ James spots continued, signing off [00:07:19] Dave Stein with mock interview with Dave Weir and Kathy Lobokis, Weird Al, spot for KCPR auction studio [00:09:58] Sunday By Request spot with Weird Al going to see Santa Claus with other DJs [00:14:42] Journey to the North Pole with Weird Al radio program continues [00:16:16] Journey to the North Pole with Weird Al radio program continues [recording cuts off] [00:17:26] Journey to the North Pole with Weird Al radio program continues with appearance by "Ronald Colman" [00:20:53] Journey to the North Pole with Weird Al radio program continues [00:29:22] Slowed-down jingle with outtakes [00:31:19] Partial recitation of 'Twas The Night Before Christmas, with overlapping slowed-down KCPR jingles [00:32:28] The Night Before Christmas continues on the Journey to the North Pole show [00:34:16] Brian Hackney and Bill Biggs and Donna Pangburn and Russ Sharer sign off the Christmas program [00:34:53] Stereo jingles - Rick Shannon, Dave Elliott, Dave Stein

    Physical Size
    1/4 in.
    Original format
    Resource Type
    Use and Reproduction
    Notice regarding copyright of materials available online: http://lib.calpoly.edu/support/policies/sca-policies/copyright-guidelines/#online-copyright