'Can he make the donkey drink?', Harper's Weekly caricature, 1906

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    Publisher (pbl): Harper & Brothers
    Originator (org): Katie Sheetz
    Date Created

    Issue of 'Harper's Weekly, A Journal of Civilization' (volume L (volume 50), no. 2595) political magazine featuring a caricature of William Randolph Hearst trying to make a donkey (representing New York's Democrats) drink from a water trough of 'socialism' reform. William Travers Jerome, the district attorney of New York County, pulls on the donkey's tail from the other direction as Hearst's main rival for the gubernatorial nomination. The nomination would be decided from the New York State Democratic Convention in Buffalo illustrated as the donkey's burden in the cartoon. In the background, the Democrat William Jennings Bryan, the Party's leading figure in 1896 and 1900, is drawn as a hobo carrying a "1908" bundle as he walks along a railroad track marked "Government Ownership" toward his Nebraska home. The text beneath the illustration reads "Can he make the donkey drink?" while the back side of the print features commentaries. Circa September 15th, 1906.

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