Poem to Mrs. Kellogg, Undated

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    Creator (cre): Grace E. Barneberg
    Originator (org): EF

    Goodbye poem to Mrs. Kellog, librarian, undated. The poem reads: 'It's not often, I say -- it's not every day/ One is asked to do something tremendous --/ A deed in that hour that surpasses her power--/ In fact to do something stupendous!/ I'm to say what I please for the Library trustees--/ And I'll read it for fear I might blunder--/ The virtues to tell, the praises to swell/ Of a woman who's surely a wonder./ In our library here we have one without peer/ Who gives thought and concern to each reader;/ she's our guide and our friend; she does good without end;/ In our midst she's been always a leader./ Her spirit is fine; she's the tops in her line; In her work she takes pleasure and pride./ She is "A One" we know -- and yet she will go!/ We shall miss her in ways far and wide./ And since she is leaving, to Kansas proceeding,/ We suppose it is all for the best;/ Yet we think she's relenting for she's merely renting/ Her little cream home in the West./ So, Dame Kellogg, we say in our very crude way/ au revoir, not good-bye, for this time;/ Bon voyage'

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