Wed, 12/28/2022 - 22:48
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‘ ' ' ' DURING the calendar year 1949, this Agrlcultural Dmsmn division of the college offered in-\ struction in twelve major curricula. These departments were: Agricultural Engineering and Mechanics, Agricultural Inspection, Animal Husbandry, Citrus Fruit Production, Dairy Husbandry, Dairy Manufacturing, Deciduous Fruit Production, Field Crop Pro- duction, Ornamental Horticulture, Poultry Husbandry, Soil Science, and Truck Crop Production. The first three years in the majors of Agricultural Inspection and Citrus Fruit Pro- duction must be completed at the San Dimas branch. In ad— dition to those two majors, the San Dimas branch also pro- vides instruction in Ornamental Horticulture and Deciduous Fruit Production to those students who elect to take the first three years of their work in those majors at the southern branch. , Three special 12-week farrier courses were offered during the past year. Forty students in this department are now engaged in this work. Objectives The college prepares men in the field of agriculture with the principal objective being to provide graduates of this division with a full and broad understanding of basic factors involved in production, management and marketing, together with the necessary skills, experience, and related subjects to make such a graduate an efficient agricultural producer. The educational approach used at California State Poly- technic College not only prepares men for positions in the production fields but gives thorough training in managerial skills and techniques and in the various other fields closely related to agriculture. This knowledge of all basic factors in j, the agricultural industry not only enables the student to l reach the top in the industry but it gives him a grasp of l the significance of all agricultural processes and consequent tolerant attitudes toward every problem faced by the indus- 1‘, try. Practical Experience The college herds, ?ocks, orchards, range and crops land are used by students to develop practical application and technique. A unique phase of the California State Polytechnic College educational philosophy is the use of the student own- ed and managed project as an integral part of the instruction system. Each student in the college has the opportunity to select a productive project in the particular field in which he is interested. He has managerial and financial respon- sibility over the project and must submit a complete record upon its completion. 9