Wed, 12/28/2022 - 22:17
Edited Text
FOREWORD 'An annual report confined to the activities of the California Poly- technic School during the period of the last six months of World War II and the first six months of reconversion to peace-time instruction would hardly give a true pi oture of the scope of this college. For that reason, and for the information of new members of the State Board of Education and others who read this report, who likewise are not entirely familiar with the history of this state college, the current report covers a greater period than the calendar year, January l, ‘1945, to , December 31, 1945. During the calendar year of 1945 the California Polytechnic School was occupied with the two-fold task of continuing a naval aviation train- ing program which had begun in January, 1943, and with the task of pro- viding the kinds of training needed in the fields of agriculture and industry by a rapidly increasing number of veteran. students. The con- tinuati on of the naval aviation training program for six months beyond the mid-year ending of the war meant that again, for the third year, a major portion of the college's activities revolved around a warotime military training program. It wasn't until February of 1946 that the naval aviation training program was concluded with a presentation of a certificate of merit from the Navy department signed by Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal. The activites of the college during the first three months of 1946, without the presence of a navy program, are a much better measure of the college‘s normal scope of service to the state than any of the activities in the previous three year period. For that reason we have taken the liberty to include in this report some material which would normally appear in next year’s report.