Wed, 12/28/2022 - 22:13
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war. During the last few years of normal enrollment, the school has attracted students from an average of 50 of California's 58 counties, a half dozen other states and a number of foreign countries, indicating the college is of real stateawide scope. PROJECT SYSTEM One of the most outstanding features of the instructional methods used at California Polytechnic School, and one which has brought the school nation-wide recognition for this application of the "learn by doing" philosophy, is the project systenn Self-owned projects are combined with managerial projects to give students a combination of manipulative skills and scientific background unequaled in any other public institution in the country, Each student is expected to engage in some project of commercial caliber. Agriculture students raise and market meat animals, such as swine, sheep, and beef cattle. They conduct dairy and poultry enterprises, either with their own foundation stock, or by contracting for some of the school's project animals or birds. They raise various plant crops and ornamentals. The students in the industrial division have projects of similar commercial scope, such as rebuilding airplanes, constructing and operating air conditioning machinery, running the college power plant and keeping the nmny electrical motors in good condition. This training method, which makes it possible for students to market many thousands of dollars' worth of agricultural and industrial products annually, is dependent on the availability of a project revolving loan fund. This fund, under careful management by departumnt heads, has grown from a few thousand dollars, to its present size of over $72,000. (Project activities during the past year are listed under Department Reports, DURATION ACTIVITIES.) “ 5 '0