Wed, 12/28/2022 - 21:57
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IV. -3- basis at San Luis Obispo with the employment of an outstanding faculty member. During the period of growth, courses were added only after surveys indicated actual need, but problems occurred as might be expected in terms of land distribution, economical use of equipment, placement of graduates, possible new curricula, best location for courses and personnel, and assign- ments and course content. These needed group attention. One individual was named plant industry coordinator, to centralize the thinking and planning of this group, under the supervision of the dean of agriculture and the president. I A meeting was called just before the end of the year, and two days were spent in discussing various means of bringing the "loose ends" together. As a result of the conference, the group is making the following: 1. Surveys to determine the effectiveness of the present curricula. 2. Surveys to determine merits of possible new curricula for which a need has been expressed. 3. Studies to determine on which campus certain courses may best be offered. h. Studies to evolve more efficient use of travel funds in contacting the trade for placement, laboratory materials, field trips, etc. 5. Studies to recommend the best use of land and facilities for instruction. The group clearly defined its purpose, and the coordination of the plant industries units is being expected to have a definite part in further develop- ing this most rapidly-expanding field. LOAN FUNDS w The Leopold Edward wrasse Loan Fund (major loan fund existing) started Q to function during the last year. The $25,000 given by the elderly San Joaquin rancher is being held in trust and the interest used in making loans to needy students. The first amount of $237.50 which was turned over in September is