F O R E W O R D This report deals with the progress of the California Polytechnic School% during the calendar year, January 1, l9h6 to December 31, l9h6. However, for the benefit of those who read the report who may not be entirely familiar with the history and educational philosophy of this state college, certain sections have been included which do not deal exclusively with activities of the l9h6 calendar year. It is hoped that the inclusion of a limited mnount of background material relative to the college's unique educational philosophy and teaching techniques will make for a better understanding of activities which occurred dur- ing l9b6. This was the first year since l9h3 that the major portion of the college's activities was not devoted to military training. But even though ll of the 12 months included in the report were given over exclusively to peace—time pursuits, it wasn't until February of l9h6 that the naval aviation training program was concluded. Because of a greatly increased enrollment, which nearly doubled normal preawar enrollment figures, and because of housing and ex- pansion programs related to providing educational opportunities for veterans, the calendar year of 19h6 was an important epoch in the educational progress of this state technical college of agriculture and industry. * A bill is now before the 57th session of the California Legislature to change the name from_California Polytechnic School to California State Polytechnic College.