A selected group of from 25 to 50 men are chosen each year from among the agricultural college graduates of California and other western states. They enter a year of training, part of which consists of super- vised practice teaching in selected high schools known as "critic centers," and part of which consists of attending special classes at California Polytechnic School, in teaching methods and in actual agricultural practices. The "cadets" or trainees thus spend five months in adding to their agri- cultural techniques at this institution." Their work here is supervised by the assistant State teacher trainer, while California State Polytechnic faculty members teach courses in skills. IN-SERVICE PROGW The college is also the training certcr for the aid of in-service teachers. During the summer months, various courses are given in agri- cultural management and farming skills, and in professional improvement. In addition, the annual conference of the teachers is held on the campus. Full credit is given toward credentials and for local professional standing, through Polytechnic School-Bureau of Agricultural Education sumnwr work. SERVICE AND EXTENSION An integral part of the administration of the California Polytechnic School is the service program for the vocational agriculture system through- out the stato. “men in 1933 this school was made the responsibility of the same agency “mich is in charge of this high school agricultural work, namely the Bureau of Agricultural Education, it was officially designated as the service institution to aid the high School vocational-agriculture program, in addition to its resident offerings. In this function, the school serves as headquarters for the bureau. The president of the school is chief of the bureau, and some of the menmmrs ‘8-