—_____? - industrial production because of insufficient numbers of skilled workmen available, there was only one solution for the bottleneck. That was to ask for the assistance of educational institutions already equipped to give the type of training necessary to turn out skilled workmen. That is essentially why this school was one of the first in the nation chosen to help prepare workers for employment in national defense industries. The program is divided into three phases — the National Youth Administration resident program, the adult National Defense training program, and the pilot training of the Civil Aeronautics Administration. ENROLLMENT AND PLACEMENT During the period January 1, 19Al to December 31, lQAl, 1265 defense students received training at the California Polytechnic school. California Polytechnic is considered by national educational officials ' to be one of the leading institutions of its kind in the United States in training specific defense employees. Effectiveness of such training is shown in the following list of firms employing graduates of the regular and special courses during the last two years, and in which the employee is directly using the technical and vocational skills received at California Polytechnic: INDUSTRIES VITAL TO DEFENSE Lockheed Aircraft Corporation Western Electric Co. Douglas Aircraft Corporation Sadramento Air Depot Vultee Aircraft Corporation Hancock Flying School, Santa Maria Consolidated Aircraft Co. North Island Air Depot, San Diego Northrup Aircraft Corporation Pearl Harbor Naval Base North American Aircraft Co. Mbore Shipyards, Oakland Mare Island Navy Yard American Dredging Co. Pan~American Airways L. E. Dixon Construction Co. California Shipbuilding Corp. Commerical Iron Works, Los Angeles Todd Shipbuilding Co. U. S. maritime Service, Hueneme Columbia Steel Co. Southern Pacific Railroad Pacific Gas and Electric Co.